








張志宏  副教授


大恩 934










  1. 中央大學化學工程學士
  2. 成功大學企管碩士
  3. 淡江大學財務金融博士
  1. 玄奘大學副教授、助理教授
  2. 台灣期貨交易所專員
  3. 台灣糖業公司管理師
  4. 國立聯合大學、東吳大學、淡江大學兼任助理教授  

Selected Publications

  1. Chang*, Matthew C., Chih-Ling Tsai, Chung-Fern Wu, and Ning Zhu 2018, Market Uncertainty and Market Orders in Futures Markets, Journal of Futures Markets, 38, 865-880. (SSCI; FLI;國科會一般財務類A Tier-2級期刊, 國科會100年度專題研究計畫:NSC 100-2410-H-364-010-; 國科會102年度國內專家學者出席國際學術會議:102-2914-I-364-002-A1, DOI: 10.1002/fut.21918)
  2. Chang*, Matthew C., Yi-Hsien Wang, Jui-Cheng Hung, and Chen Sun, 2015, Patent Arrangements, and Financial Performances: Evidence from Taiwan, Periodica Polytechnica: Social and Management Sciences, 23(1), 25-40. (Scopus)
  3. Chang, Matthew C., 2013, Do Cats and Dogs Eat Grass before a Rain? Analysis of Weather Effects on Order Submissions and Order Imbalances, Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 10, 31-41. (EconLit;ABI;國科會一般財務類B級期刊)
  4. Chang*, Matthew C., Jui-Cheng Hung and Chien-Liang Chiu, 2013, One Gold, Two Currencies: Price Discovery between Spot Exchange Rate and Implied Exchange Rate Derived from Futures. International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, 24, 23-38. (TSSCI; EI)
  5. Chang*, Matthew C. and Rebecca Chung-Fern Wu, 2013, Informativeness and Influence of Limit Order Books on Order Submissions in Electronic Continuous Auction Markets, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 49(S3), 70-97. (SSCI)
  6. Chang*, Matthew C. and Chung-Fern Wu, 2012, Who Offers Liquidity on Options Markets when Volatility is High? Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 15, 1250021 (24 pages). (FLI; EconLit;國科會一般財務類B級期刊)
  7. Chang*, Matthew C. and Jui-Cheng Hung, 2012, Can VaR Be Predictive for Regulation? Evidence from the Futures Industry in Taiwan, Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 15, 147-162. (SSCI)
  8. Hung, Jui-Cheng, Yi-Hsien Wang, Matthew C. Chang, Kuang-Hsun Shih, and Hsiu-Hsueh Kao, 2011, Minimum Variance Hedging with Bivariate Regime-switching Model for WTI Crude Oil, Energy, 36, 3050-3057. (SCI)
  9. Wong, Woon K., Matthew C. Chang and Anthony H. Tu, 2009, Are Magnet Effects Caused by Uninformed Traders? Evidence from Taiwan Stock Exchange, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 17, 2840. (SSCI; FLI;國科會一般財務類A Tier-2級期刊, DOI:10.1016/j.pacfin.2008.03.001)
  10. Huang, Wen-Fang, Hsinan Hsu, Janchung Wang, and Matthew C. Chang, 2009, The Impacts of Institutional Net Buys/Sells on Returns in the Taiwan Futures Market, Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 6, 84-95. (EconLit;ABI;國科會一般財務類B級期刊)

中文 :

  1. 洪瑞成、張志宏*、黃健銘、邱建良, 2013,期貨商財務績效與經營風險,期貨與選擇權學刊,6(2), 51-71(TSSCI)
  2. 吳琮璠、張志宏、王全三,2012,期貨商風險資本之計提:ANCBIS的比較,期貨與選擇權學刊,5(2)1-28。(TSSCI
  1. Hung, Jui-Cheng, Matthew C. Chang* and Yi-Hsien Wang, The Impact of Liquidity on Portfolio Value-at-Risk Forecasts, The 11th NCTU International Finance Conference, 1st floor, Management Building 1, Kuang-Fu Campus, NCTU, Taiwan, December 8, 2017.
  2. Chang, Matthew C. and Chung-Fern Wu, Information Content of Limit Order Books and Order Submissions of Institutional and Individual Investors in Electronic Continuous Auction Markets, the Conference on East Asia Finance- Crisis and Recovery of Financial Markets, Taipei Campus, Tamkang University, Taiwan, May 26-27, 2012.
  1. 張志宏,台灣衍生性商品市場情緒指標與不同類型交易人委託單積極度之研究,國科會100年度專題研究計畫(財金及會計學門,NSC 100-2410-H-364-010-):主持人。
  2. 張志宏,台灣加權股價指數期貨與選擇權快閃委託單之研究,國科會99年度專題研究計畫(管理一學門財務領域,NSC 99-2410-H-364-001-):主持人。
  3. 張志宏,委託單驅動市場透明度與虛掛單之研究,國科會98年度專題研究計畫(管理一學門財務領域,NSC 98-2410-H-364 -005 -):主持人。
  4. 吳琮璠、陳聖賢、林修葳、張志宏、王全三,期貨市場採用Basel II計提風險資本之可行性分析,台灣期貨交易所99年度委託研究計畫:協同主持人。
  5. 吳琮璠、林修葳、陳聖賢、張志宏、王全三、洪瑞成,期貨商採BASEL II計提風險資本與ANC有效性之比較,台灣期貨交易所98年度委託研究計畫:研究員。
  1. 行政院科技部104學年度補助大專院校獎勵特殊優秀人才。
  2. 行政院科技部103學年度補助大專院校獎勵特殊優秀人才。
  3. 行政院國科會102學年度補助大專院校獎勵特殊優秀人才。
  4. 2016FORMOSA產業個案研討會最佳論文獎 2015年東亞經濟與管理研討會論文特別獎。
  5. 2014中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會「第九屆證券暨期貨金椽獎-研究發展論文甄選」特別獎。
  6. 2013第十二屆台灣科技大學管理新思維學術研討會財務管理組最佳論文。
  7. 玄奘大學101學年度研究優良教師。
  8. 玄奘大學101學年度教學優良教師。
  1. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (SSCI), Referee, 2017
  2. International Review of Applied Economics, Referee, 2017
  3. International Journal of Information and Management Sciences (EI), Referee, 2017
  4. Journal of Accounting, Finance & Management Strategy, Referee, 2017
  5. International Economic Journal, Referee, 2016
  6. International Review of Financial Analysis (SSCI), Referee, 2014
  7. Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies (SSCI), Referee, 2013


  1. 合格期貨交易分析人員,換(103)期交析測證字第3434100002號。
  2. 合格證券投資分析人員,(93)證投析測字第043430023號。