1.Kuo, Kuo-Hsing and Lee, Cheng-Te* (2018), “Technology Advantage, Heterogeneous Talent and Trade,” Singapore Economic Review, 63, 1307-1317. (SSCI).
2.Kuo, Kuo-Hsing, Lee, Cheng-Te* and Wu, Shang-Fen (2018), “Environmental Policy and Labour Market Imperfection,” Bulletin of Economic Research, 70, 175-184. (SSCI).
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13.Lee, Cheng-Te*, Fang, Chen and Kuo, Kuo-Hsing (2014), “Common Market and Equilibrium Growth,” Economics Bulletin, 34 (1), 480-493. (EconLit).
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28.李俊賢、王儷儒、李政德* (2017) ,「創新教學教具教學:立體平面超連結、魔力吸管變變變」,《臺灣數學教師》,38 (1),頁23-38。
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39.李政德 (1998),「關稅政策與貨幣政策時間一致性分析」,《致理學報》,11,頁41-57。 |